Wednesday, October 06, 2010

HP 7

Official Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 countdown.

44 Days!

I've gotta stop putting it off and just start making my robes. Only a few more week till Halloween and i wanna go as a Slytherin student damn it! I've got to set up my tattoo appointment as well. I'm gonna get my Harry Potter tattoo on the 19 of November (if they can do it) and then go see the new movie.


Saturday, October 02, 2010

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's officially October and I'm so excited. October is of course he greatest month of the year because 

                                             October is the months with Halloween.

                                     It's the month of beautiful changes in nature. 

                                                          Trees are losing there leaves,

                                                apple trees are now growing fruit,

                                                 pumpkins are finally growing,

                            there is a crispness to the air that only October can bring. 

I'm thinking I'm gonna have to do something for Samhain. Something nice for John, Anton and myself. Kristen is leaving so she won't be here. It's bittersweet. No! I'm not going to talk about her. This is about how much my hear swells with love when Halloween and October come around. Family tradition says that both John and I have a pumpkin and that sit on the ground and carve pumpkins while we watch the first Halloween movie. Then I make pumpkin seeds. I totally rock at making them. So yeah. I'm now just rambling. Once again I had a point to this post but some how I managed to get off of that train of thought and hop onto the train from Crazyville.

                                                           Happy Pre-Halloween Ya'll!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Greg Giraldo

R.I.P. Greg. You were one of the best.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Not Much Of A Post

So it's exactly 5:30am and i'm tired. But i feel like i should have posted something sooner so im posting something now. Here it goes...

Things on my mind right now:

1) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The first part of the 7th and final book comes out on November 19th and i'm UBER excited. I'm counting down the days. Im planning ("planning" being the key word) to sew me up some Slytherin robes for the opening night midnight showing. 51 days left!

2) Funny Gravestones
Now, i want to be cremated. Always have. I want some of my ashes to go to Anton, Lura and whoever i'm with at the time (assuming they are all still alive) and the rest scattered over some beautiful green land where wild horses live. But if i were to change my mind than please for the love of god (lower case "g") honor my wishes and put something funny on the gravestone. I love reading funny gravestones. Nothing helps you deal with loss better than laughter. Some of my favorite ones are :
                                     "Here beneath this pile of stones
                                     Lies all that's left of Sally Jones
                                     Her name was Smith; it was not Jones
                                     But Jones was used to rhyme with stones"

                                    "Here lies an Atheist. All dressed up and nowhere to go"

                                    "Here lies my wife, I bid her good-bye
                                      She rests in peace and now so do I"

3) "Clever" Sayings/Responses
I really hate hearing people say things and think they are clever. I have to hear every fucking day of my life some asshole at work answer my question of "would you like your receipt?" with something "clever" like "not unless i can write it off on my taxes" or "file that for my taxes, would ya?" or "no, it's evidence" or "no you can have it. It's a present." Oh well thank you for thinking about me you idiotic douche bag. Don't you think i hear the same thing all day everyday? You're not clever, you're not funny. Frankly it makes me wanna climb over the counter and forcefully make you eat this fucking receipt. But here are some clever sayings for you...When someone has the balls to lie and say "it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean." Your response should be "Yes, but you will never get to England in a row boat." Another one of my favorites is "Turkey's flock together but eagles soar alone, and we don't eat eagles for Thanksgiving'

I don't know where i was hoping to go with the last one...I got kinda lost somewhere between work and penis size. Oh well. At least i tried to write something. A+ for effort!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Your Vagina and You

Vagina. Today we live in a world where women are afraid of the word vagina and even more scared of an actual vagina...more so...their vagina. We have hundreds of little pet names for it. Vajayjay, Vag, Coochie/Cooch, Cooter, Cunt (my personal favorite), pussy. I've even heard coochie snorcher before.

Why are we so afraid of the word vagina? Why are we so afraid of vagina the thing? There are no exact numbers on the growing new craze of a designer vagina, but the procedure is growing world wide. Women are cutting open and off parts of their vaginas in order to look like porn stars. Really more like Playboy Bunnies actually cause a lot of porn stars have very normal looking vaginas. It's in the magazines that all of the vaginas look the same really.

So here is my Ode To The Vagina, Wonderful In Any Shape, Color, Texture, or Form!

I don't understand why people are so afraid of these! They are all beautiful wether shaved, natural, tattooed or pierced, pink or slightly gray. This man, Jamie McCartney is doing great things. An artist from Britian, he has taken loving your body to the next level.

Remember, take a little time everyday to love yourselves.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Much For Writting

I started this blog with every intention of writing in it, if not everyday then at least once a week. And as with everything else in my life I start out motivated and then slowly slack off. I'm the perpetual slacker. I'm the always unreliable under achiever.

Good Karma is gone. It went under. We just once day closed up shop. Sold the inventory and 2 days later locked the doors. It was bittersweet. On the on hand i'm glad to see it go. I didn't want to do it anymore. I didn't want to have that responsibility. It was more stress than it was worth. But on the other hand. It was my lively hood. We'd only had it for 2 years and it was my baby....kinda. It was nice knowing that i could do anything i wanted on any day of the week cause i made my own hours and someone was always there to watch the store if the other one had something to do. Oh and learn.

I'm now the Asst Manager of the GATC up here by the house. It's an easy job...easy might be to little of a's the easiest job on the planet...Better but still not what i'm trying to'll come to me. I've been there 6 months. It's a great job. I love my boss and Kristen in the only other worker. Though not for long I might add. We've had a little issue with her lately...well it's not a little issue, it's a big one, one that will in the coming weeks cost her a job. She was talking to some customers about how to go about starting a discrimination lawsuit against Safeway (the company that owns us) cause she wanted to dye her hair blue and she's not allowed. There is a girl in the main store who has pink hair but that was her reward for being the highest grossing checker every fundraiser. Either way, when your boss saying no you can't dye you're hair, no you can't have in your piercings or gauges in your ears, you take them out cause you need your job and every job (especially one working for a corporation like Safeway) has fucking rules to fallow. Well not in the world according to Kristen. The world should revolve around her and what she wants. No one can get through to her that the world doesn't work like that. She's 24, it's time to grow the fuck up. Anyway, you don't ask customers, while on the clock, how to sue your job and still get to keep your job. Doesn't work like that. oh well...i really don't care if she has a job or not, cause she's not gonna be living at my house any longer. I can't do it. Everything is about her. She's short on the rent (for the second month in a row) and it's my fault that i don't cover the money for her. NOT MY JOB TO PAY YOUR RENT BITCH!! NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE AMOUNT!! She doesn't to anything around here. No cleaning, doesn't by food, doesn't even buy fucking toilet paper (and when i asked her to get some on the way home from work she wanted me to pay her back for it.) Whatever. You're worthless and lazy and will never amount to anything. You will never have your own place, you will never do anything with your life beside work dead end jobs. And even if the job isn't dead end she turned down a promotion and more pay...twice! $2 more pay cause she didn't want to get up at 6:30 am 2 days a week and open the store. Fine bitch I'll take the job. And i did. She's been there for more than a year and a half and makes around $8.30 an hour. I was there 90 days was making $9.89. fuck yes i will open 2 days a week. Fuck!! She's so fucking useless!!!

I'm done ranting about this shit. It's just pissing me off.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh My Fucking God!!!

This shit is just to......funny? fucked up? I don't know how to take this.

1) "A fat women isn't the entire package we're looking for in a woman." Ok so you don't find fat women attractive. Doesn't mean that all men think the way you do. I've been fat my whole life but i've never been without my fare share of lovers or people who want to be with/fuck me. I'm thinking i have a pretty good sex life. Maybe they were just pity fucks right?

2) A fat women looks like used goods." Now i can kinda understand this one. The human brain works on the subconscious level more than we know. And i have no doubt that the brain sees a fat person and thinks "not good for bearing offspring". It's not just fat it does that with, but many other things. Small hips, weak or frail looking. The brain is designed to make sure you keep your species going. So it stands to reason the the brain sees a fat woman as already having children and there for, not unable, but less able to care for your offspring.

3) Fat women make "unattractive sounds during sex" is just plain laughable. I can't remember a time where i thought to myself, during the throws of passion, "better change positions! My fat is making noise." And even if my fat DID makes noise, if you don't like how i look/sound during sex....THEN WHY ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! Go find a skinny girl who's body is "quiet" and shut the fuck up!!

Ya know i'm not even going to finish this list. This is just too ridiculous. Anyone who falls for this shit is just running with the herd. Turkey's flock together but eagles soar alone. And we don't eat eagles for Thanksgiving.

I feel bad for all of the big women out there who watched this and then thought to themselves "this is why i can't find a man" No it's not bitch!!! Its because the right man hasn't found you. By not going out of your house for fear of people like this, is a way to not meet someone great. Put yourself out there! Be proud of who you are! I've said it before and i'll say it again...Confidence is what makes you sexy!!!!