Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Much For Writting

I started this blog with every intention of writing in it, if not everyday then at least once a week. And as with everything else in my life I start out motivated and then slowly slack off. I'm the perpetual slacker. I'm the always unreliable under achiever.

Good Karma is gone. It went under. We just once day closed up shop. Sold the inventory and 2 days later locked the doors. It was bittersweet. On the on hand i'm glad to see it go. I didn't want to do it anymore. I didn't want to have that responsibility. It was more stress than it was worth. But on the other hand. It was my lively hood. We'd only had it for 2 years and it was my baby....kinda. It was nice knowing that i could do anything i wanted on any day of the week cause i made my own hours and someone was always there to watch the store if the other one had something to do. Oh and learn.

I'm now the Asst Manager of the GATC up here by the house. It's an easy job...easy might be to little of a's the easiest job on the planet...Better but still not what i'm trying to'll come to me. I've been there 6 months. It's a great job. I love my boss and Kristen in the only other worker. Though not for long I might add. We've had a little issue with her lately...well it's not a little issue, it's a big one, one that will in the coming weeks cost her a job. She was talking to some customers about how to go about starting a discrimination lawsuit against Safeway (the company that owns us) cause she wanted to dye her hair blue and she's not allowed. There is a girl in the main store who has pink hair but that was her reward for being the highest grossing checker every fundraiser. Either way, when your boss saying no you can't dye you're hair, no you can't have in your piercings or gauges in your ears, you take them out cause you need your job and every job (especially one working for a corporation like Safeway) has fucking rules to fallow. Well not in the world according to Kristen. The world should revolve around her and what she wants. No one can get through to her that the world doesn't work like that. She's 24, it's time to grow the fuck up. Anyway, you don't ask customers, while on the clock, how to sue your job and still get to keep your job. Doesn't work like that. oh well...i really don't care if she has a job or not, cause she's not gonna be living at my house any longer. I can't do it. Everything is about her. She's short on the rent (for the second month in a row) and it's my fault that i don't cover the money for her. NOT MY JOB TO PAY YOUR RENT BITCH!! NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE AMOUNT!! She doesn't to anything around here. No cleaning, doesn't by food, doesn't even buy fucking toilet paper (and when i asked her to get some on the way home from work she wanted me to pay her back for it.) Whatever. You're worthless and lazy and will never amount to anything. You will never have your own place, you will never do anything with your life beside work dead end jobs. And even if the job isn't dead end she turned down a promotion and more pay...twice! $2 more pay cause she didn't want to get up at 6:30 am 2 days a week and open the store. Fine bitch I'll take the job. And i did. She's been there for more than a year and a half and makes around $8.30 an hour. I was there 90 days was making $9.89. fuck yes i will open 2 days a week. Fuck!! She's so fucking useless!!!

I'm done ranting about this shit. It's just pissing me off.

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